
Argumentative Essay On Marijuana

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Marijuana: Advocating the Devil’s Lettuce
What is seen by some as a danger to society and to others as a medicine is less of the former and more than the ladder. Marijuana is a multi-billion dollar industry just waiting to plant its feet into United States soil. And it isn’t as if marijuana requires any special soil to grow; in fact, cannabis is incredibly easy to grow in almost any environment. The plant is naturally found in the middle Eastern and Asian countries, areas that aren’t particularly known for their rich soils and abundant water supplies. In other words, anyone with half a mind to water a plant can easily grow marijuana in their own home. You have something easy to grow, has medicinal purposes, and can generate tons of revenue …show more content…

Although some may argue that the legalization of the plant would be harmful to society, marijuana has been proven to help individuals suffering from AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, depression, and a slew of other disorders and diseases. These disorders and diseases affect people globally, and those people should have the right to safe, legal access to something that can help them. Unlike the typical prescription drug, there haven’t been any recorded deaths attributed to marijuana use. Without the risk of overdose or harmful side effects, marijuana needs to be reevaluated in terms of its overall safety in order to accentuate these claims. Once marijuana is examined in an unbiased manner, the overall decision on its federal legalization can be made. Only when sufficient evidence is found that determines marijuana as safe or not can the steps towards federal legalization be made. The results of any sort of examination will further determine if the plant should be legalized for recreational use and medicinal use alike, or just medicinal use. But with the medicinal legalization of marijuana, clinical research can determine how harmful the drug really is, and that is one step closer to legal grass for

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