Argumentative Essay On Minimum Wage

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Minimum Wage cannot support a single family income. According to “Leaving the folks .com” The average cost of living in America with a rent amount of $500.00 and no car payment, no internet, and no TV. Service is $1007.00. As of 2015 the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. At this hourly rate working full time (40 hour a week) after taxes you would bring home an average of $1044.00. That leaves an average $37.00 extra a month. Wow “Big Money” if you saved for two years you could take your family on a budget vacation, as long as you didn’t spend more than $888.00. That’s providing that NOTHING happened in the last two years that you would have to spend money on, like a flat tire, parking ticket, lost wages from illness, school supply fee’s for your little one. If you have a child in diapers, $37.00 …show more content…

This poverty can be passed down for generations. As poorly educated people from poverty start having children and do not have the skills to pass down to their children, their children become susceptible to the same life and the cycle continues. According to “The effects of Poverty on children” by the age 3 poorer children are estimated to be 9 months behind children from wealthier backgrounds. At age 16 it is estimated that the GPA of poorer children is 1.7 points lower than those of non-poverty levels. Economic depression damages children at all stages of their development. Stressed parents equals stressed kids. The stress that a person endures from not being able to adequately provide for themselves or their family can also effect a person’s health. Higher blood pressure , higher cholesterol, diabetes, increased risk of stroke and depression. Nobody that works full time in America should be living in poverty. We are the one of the richest country in the world. This is simply