Argumentative Essay On The Holocaust

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You want to know why the kids were sent away from their families, would you want to be sent away from your families and live in some place else for a month. After Adolph Hitler became Germany's leader, he banned Jewish people from work, swimming, going places, and another thing. Jewish families were concerned about their children because Hitler had risen to power and that made them so concerned. People in Britain and other European countries responded by keeping their kids safe. As a result, many Jewish children lived in homes with people to take care of them, some didn't have family that took care of them so they lived somewhere else, and after the war, some even did have parent some kids had both or one parent. How …show more content…

Hitler and his Nazi did Terrible acts of violence of the Jewish and that’s why Jewish parents sent their children to a safer and caring place where they wouldn't get hurt. This kid where raised by strangers in another place this place they were sent to was called The British Jewish Refugee Committee. These families took good care of them for a month. How did Jewish parent in Germany help to save their children. One reason is the parents put them in a rescue operation that help a Jewish kids escape the Holocaust because parents wanted their children to be safe from Hitler and his Nazi’s. This place where the kids went was called “The British Jewish Refugee Committee” and it was a Kindertransport, Which was a 9 month rescue that help Jewish kid from the Holocaust. It shows that Jewish parents sends there children to be in a 9 month rescue. The second reason is that the Refugee support committee felt the it was a risk to save their kids because they wanted to save these Jews from the terrible Holocaust. However, the Jews and Refugee Support Committee all felt that protecting their children was worth the risk.This shows that the place called Refugee support Committee that they are taking the risk to save these