Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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Mary Jane, ganja, weed, pot or marijuana. This substance has many names. Marijuana derives from the hemp plant ( used for recreational use and other positive benefactors. The United States has a set negative perspective on all drugs. Many politicians and common people may have a conservative view on this topic and believe legalization of marijuana will be hurtful to the young people of society. Marijuana is quite the opposite, the consumption use and of marijuana in proportion have many positive effects. The legalization of marijuana will boost revenue, promote a more efficient law enforcement, and medical use. Revenue is the total earnings of an industry. The marijuana industry will bring an increased amount of revenue to …show more content…

Each of these organizations are international and make billions of dollars each year. Organized crime world wide is a very profitable business. About $870 billion dollars were developed in just the year of 2010 (Transitional organized crime:..). Instead of money going into drug crime, money would be coming from profit or recreational or medical school marijuana sales directly to the community. As of 2010 criminal arrests of possession has dropped 80% (Marijuana Legalization in Colorado After...). A result of this is that the tax dollar that goes to the state's jails are spent on the more serious criminals. Where as men and women who were put into jail for small possessions of marijuana are completely unnecessary. These amount of victims are also a waste of money going to housing, food, and necessary care for people who don't necessarily need it. According to 300 economists The United States can be proactive and can conserve a large amount of $13.7 billion dollars a year (Huffpost). Money for law enforcement to confiscate illegal drugs like marijuana will be cut largely because the lack of demand for illegal purchase. People trying to relieve stress or simply go to sleep will not have to be in risk of arrest and can practice …show more content…

From mental illness to severe cancer cases cannabis may never go wrong. The recreational use of marijuana has been proven to reduce anxiety or stress. Cannabis can also be prescribed through injection, mouth, or the simple and common form of smoking. For those children with cancer or epilepsy, the form of smoking is out the question. Injection or enchanted in food is the reason for multiple ways of use. They're are two different components in Marijuana. THC is the chemical in which blocks the receptors in you brain and causes one to feel euphoria. In contrast, CBD is the chemical that heals the body. CBD works for many many different illnesses to name a few. It helps ease pain of cancer treatment. Is a much safer and efficient pain killer than codine or Tylenol. Synthetic substances like these may cause death or overdose. Marijuana is impossible to overdose because it is a plant. One would not recommend trying to anyways. The natural healer is prescribed to men or woman with eating disorders so they are able to have a regular diet once again. Marijuana is also prescribed to many who suffer from insomnia and anxiety. With the benefactor that marijuana can not be chemically addictive, it is also a safer way to get better sleep and less anxiety. As a result, marijuana should be legalized for