Arguments About The 'Ark Of The Covenant'

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Jimmy Fedor
Mr. Corso
Astronomy Period 6
Scientists have argued that science and religion can be used to understand life’s meaning. Others have said that they cannot. There has always been an argument on who was right and who was wrong. One of the common arguments is about how the galaxy was created. Some people believe that religion and science can be put together for good in finding out all of the mysteries in the world. I am indifferent on whether they can work together or not and will be talking about the Ark of the Covenant. According to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant is a chest that was made by the Israelites from the command of the Lord. God designed it …show more content…

If God wanted it to be found, he would have given someone the knowledge and the faith and the hope to be able to find it already. Different studies have shown all of the hard work that people have put in trying to find the exact location of the Ark and finding out all of the hidden secrets that lie beneath. As I have stated earlier about what the church and science say about the Ark of the Covenant, they each believe what they believe and are holding it deeply in all of the research and studies they …show more content…

I would like to see them work together someday to see if they can eventually find the Ark after thousands of years of it being “lost”. But, on the other hand, you have to consider the consequences of the bad things that could potentially happen if they begin to work together. I personally believe that the Ark of the Covenant cannot be found anywhere. No matter how far and how long they look, I believe it cannot be found. If God had intended it to be discovered, why hasn’t it happened already. God always has his reasons and he must not want us to know quite yet. If he truly does give someone the gift of knowledge to find the Ark, I hope that he or she will be open to his call and follow his footsteps.
In conclusion, the argument of how Science and Religion working together is completely unnecessary. If it is truly meant to be for the Ark to be found and for them to work together as one to find it, it will happen. If it does not, it must have never meant to be. The mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant may be a secret forever but as Catholics and as sons and daughters of God, we must believe that it does exist and we must live by his