Arguments Against Abortion Research Paper

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Abortion is a huge issue in our society today. Abortion is a controversial issue that many people have strong opinions about. The debate over the legal and ethical viability of abortion has been complicated by the lack of consensus in defining whether a developing embryo can be equated with a human life. Many people believe it is evil and against their religion to kill an unborn child. While on the other hand, people think it is the woman's right to choose to keep the child, from a case of rape, incest or health issues threatening the mother’s life. It is debated as to when a human life starts whether that be conception or birth. “A human life begins at the moment of conception when a distinct and complete, though immature, human being forms from the joining of her parents’ gametes” (The Pro-Life Argument). Why is this an argument among many people in the United States? …show more content…

“Islam teaches that life begins at conception and is created by God” (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children). This is just one example of a religions reason as to why they are against abortion. Should abortion be illegal? “ Proponents, identifying themselves as pro-choice, contend that choosing abortion is a woman's right that should not be limited by governmental or religious authority, and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or fetus. They say that pregnant women will resort to unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option” (ProCon). Although this may be true many women even if they do not want the baby will not resort to illegal options. Adoption is always an option and a woman who does not want their child should give it to someone who dos or is unable to have children of their

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