Persuasive Letter On Abortion

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Dear President:
Imagine your daughter was raped or became unintentionally pregnant with her boyfriend. Then you found out she was pregnant and that she wanted to abort; how would you feel? What would you do? Unfortunately, this is a situation, which confronts thousands of Mexican families on a daily basis; many of who do not have the wealth and resources which you have at your disposal. Don't you think it's crazy that these women do not have the option to abort, even if it means a miserable life for the mother and her child?

Women have the right over their body's, why should anyone else decide if they should have a baby or not! They should have the right to say, “yes I want this baby” or “no, I do not want it” and that both options are available. Being able to keep their baby is simple, but if one woman does not want to have their baby, it gets a little bit more complicated. The reason for this is that the solution is abortion, however abortion is not legal in many places, so they do it illegally. …show more content…

Whatever the reason, they should be able to abort freely and without legal problems

It is not permitted or well seen in any society or religion to take away a humans being life for any reason, however a fetus is not considered to be alive or feel anything in the first trimester, and that is when around 90% of all abortions happen. The fetus does not suffer or feel, then why is it considered a murder if its not even a life that is being taken away? It’s not even a living

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