Outline For Abortion Research Paper

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Abortion If you or your significant other found out you/they were pregnant right now, would you be ready? For many people, that answer would be no. And if that answer is no, there are many different routes you can take. One of them being to terminate the pregnancy. Terminating a pregnancy, also known as abortion, is when a pregnancy is deliberately ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child. Many women who have unplanned or unwanted pregnancies choose this option. I am “Pro-Choice”. Women should be able to do as they please with their bodies. Abortion is a woman's right, it can improve a woman's opportunities, and it is not harmful to a woman's body. The choice of having an abortion should be in the hands of, and only in the hands of, the women pregnant. …show more content…

Abortion is an important element of women’s rights because women are more affected by the abortion than men. As an example; a woman is raped by a man and is pregnant with his child, she wants to have an abortion because raising her rapist’s child is too much for her to cope with. The fetus is inside her body, therefore she should be able to make the choice of what happens to it. “The only person who should get to make decisions about your body is you.” (“Abortion” Issues & Controversies 4) The right to control what happens to your body is a moral right. If women are not allowed to abort an unwanted fetus, they are being deprived of this right. Women need access to abortion in order to achieve full political, social, and economic equality with