Arguments Against Standardized Testing

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Standardized testing has been used in the United States since the late 1800s to test students in the subjects they’ve been studying for an entire year and ultimately decide if they pass or fail the year based on the results of these tests. After the No Child left Behind Act the use of the standardized tests increased, but have only negatively affected students in their learning. Backlashes to standardized testing has increased from students, teachers, and parents who deem these tests useless and unnecessary to a child’s education since students are only “taught to test.” Standardized tests should be removed as they offer students no life skills, they cause stress to students and teachers, and they only benefit the multibillion dollar companies distributing these tests. While many people are against standardized tests, many individuals still support these tests. They believe that these tests benefit students in their education and removing them will deprive them from their full educational potential. For example, these individuals believe these tests to be fair since they are equally created so that all students are tested in the same bases that have been taught to them the minute they stepped into their classrooms. In reality, these tests are not fair for students with …show more content…

They shouldn’t be trusted since these businesses are notorious for having costly and time consuming grading errors that cause students to receive the wrong grade or no grade at all. Testing is also very expensive, costing school districts millions in dollars, often leaving them no choice and cutting off many programs in order to make room for more money for more tests. Many students will be affected as a result of their defunded programs and teachers are at risk of losing their jobs as well. Testing is not mandatory at the cost of a student’s education and a teacher’s