Asian Culture Vs American Culture Essay

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Culture is a term with no exact definition, just a word with an array of possible meanings, but according to the text culture is a society’s way of living transmitted from one generation to another and its manifestation include attitudes, beliefs, values, aesthetics, dietary customs, and language. Culture basically defines and describes us as citizens of a certain country or area of the world and its what differentiates us from each other too. As expressed before, culture is our everyday life and that includes and affects our way of conducting business with each other and the rest of the world. The United States and Japan could not be more different in the way its citizen life their lives and all that that encompasses. When we think of Japan or any other Asian country we think of tradition, conservativeness, when we think of United our minds automatically think, the new world, the land of opportunity; where everything is possible and that means outstanding cultural and organizational differences. …show more content…

Both of these countries are at opposite ends of the spectrum, Japan considers the working together as the key to the company’s success, they value interdependence and they work not to gain individual success, but to make the company more productive. “ .. in Japan, similar to other Asian cultures, employees are expected to stay with one company for their entire working careers.” Contrary to employees in Japan, Americans value personal recognition and success and moving up in the corporate ladder and their actions reflect that; they don’t mind jumping from one company to another to achieve their own personal goal inhibiting them to actually foster relationships with other individuals in the workplace as they are not committed to the company and just see work as means of earning money and not as an extension of their lives as the Japanese