
Athletes Para La Vida Essay

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DREAM has something called Deportes para la Vida (Sports for Life) not just to include more physical exercise, but to decrease HIV risk by making this a requirement to play sports as much as possible through the week. The program utilizes sports as a way for “children and youth to learn best through interactive activities.” These activities help reduce not just HIV but also manage risky situations, avoid risky sexual partners, and reduce discrimination and violence especially gender-based violence. The coaches for this program serve as mentors while they develop leadership abilities.
The chart from the DREAM website below shows how much the awareness of HIV/AIDS has changed for the North Coast community. According to the DREAM website, this …show more content…

Those who do work in the informal sector, do not have a stable and beneficial system for compensation and protection such as life insurance. A lack of all of these benefits can lead to more crime and other illegal activities. The DREAM website states that “Deportes para la Vida has been implemented in 16 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean and is composed of four phases that focus on employability skills, market-driven technical and vocational skills, supervised professional internships, and follow-up coaching related to job preparation, search, and placement.” A Ganar involves the students playing team sports such as soccer “to help them with the training, support, and skills they need to improve their vocational skills to get a job and/or re-enter the formal education system.” Sports help maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind which leads to improvement of getting a job. The chart from the DREAM website below shows a huge improvement based on the students who graduated from this program doing bigger and better things in

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