Auburn University Personal Statement

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Being someone who likes working with and helping people, I have and am actively participating in many extra curricular activities and clubs that help me to gain many different experiences which are helping me learn which areas I enjoy and which I do not enjoy as much for my future life choices. I have been an active officer and member of the NTHS since 2015; I am also a member of various clubs on Auburn High School’s campus such as NHS, FBLA, Engineering Club, HOSA and Spanish Club. I have volunteered at East Alabama Medical Center for 4 years through the TAV program. I am also a member of a national organization called (NSHSS). Through these experiences I have learned a lot and enjoyed my time in many of the clubs and have continued to be affiliated with them through my high school years. …show more content…

The Auburn community is very diverse and accepting, and has a good learning atmosphere made to help the students be successful in all aspects of life. Auburn is a community that values strong bonds that I would like to explore from the heart of the town that I know will help me achieve my goals in life.

My goal for the ACT test was at least a 28, my first taste of failure was when I didn’t make the score I was aiming for. Instead I made a 24, I knew I would have to try practice if I wanted to achieve a score that I felt was good enough. I needed more practice and had to take every opportunity to get better at taking tests such as the ACT. The second time I took the ACT I made a 25, higher than my first test score, however, I was still unsatisfied, I knew I would have to keep trying. I’m currently trying to get my score up a few more points not only to reach my goal but also to prove to myself that I can do better. I think with any failure, if you dedicate yourself enough, you can reach your