Habitat Personal Statement

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Throughout my high school career, I have invested time in academics as well as clubs. I have worked hard in all of my classes and have been focused on my grades. I have committed myself to many different clubs, devoting time to Habitat for Humanity, Key Club, the California Scholarship Federation, and National Honor Society. In Habitat I have been the treasurer for two years and am looking forward to moving up soon. In addition to my school activities I have completed over one-hundred hours of community service. These include assisting in schools as well as volunteering for local nonprofits. High school could be rough at times, and I faced many obstacles. An extremely difficult obstacle was getting through AP classes. They require so much …show more content…

All throughout my years, I have become more aware of topics in the world. I have used my resources to my advantage and found my viewpoints on life. I have learned how we need to change as a society and how to do it. I will fight for what I believe is right because of the peers and teachers I look up to. I have also grown to develop career interests in psychology. Taking classes have lead me to the conclusion that psychology is a good field for me to go into in life. Through psychology, I have also become educated in understanding life and people better. By becoming more empathetic I can learn about other people and their beliefs without judgment. These past three years have taught me to appreciate everyone and everything. I have been granted so many wonderful things and I now know the value of gratefulness that I can take with me throughout my …show more content…

I am proud of myself for taking on challenging AP courses, each of which have been hard to work through. But I have passed them all with a grade I know I worked hard for. Outside of the classroom, my heavy involvement in clubs had been hard but rewarding. Being in an officer position in a club means devoting extra time towards it, but I managed my time and worked in a successful club for two years. By using my skills to my advantage, I was able to win a trip to China. It was an unforgettable experience that will forever have an impact on my life. There are so many things I accomplished, yet so many more I look forward