Augustus Octavian's Influence On Rome

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Augustus Octavian
Augustus Octavian was the emperor that transformed Rome. With the powers of his influence, Augustus managed to hold ultimate control of every aspect of Rome. Augustus came into a bare and dry Republic, but through his influence, he left a clothed and a prosperous Empire.
Augustus rise to power was influenced by his relationship with Julius Caesar; he was Caesar’s grand-nephew, and Caesar treated him like his own son (Richardson, 2012, p. 7). Following Julius Caesar’ assassination, Augustus assumed the name Caesar Gaius Julius Octovian thus making it apparent that he was Caesar’s heir. With this, he was able to take control of Caesar’s legion and over 700 million sesterces of funds which he used to advance his military operations …show more content…

Though there were constant conflicts as the empire expanded, the Roman world was free from major conflicts. Augustus powers were mainly based in popularity, financial resources and military control; through this, he was able to establish a governmental system that renewed the Republic.
Augustus influence could be felt in every part of the empire; he defended remote areas, secured boundaries, created roads, created the navy and recognized the army. Additionally, he formed a department that attended to the Empire’s business management. He also encouraged the return of morality and religion; this was accomplished by passing laws, controlling promiscuity and regulating marriage and family life.
In conclusion, Augustus had an exceptional talent of statesmanship. Though he was a dictator, he took an active role in leadership. Augustus is remembered for bringing political stability and peace in the Roman Empire. His influence touched on every aspect of life that at the end of his rule he had transformed a dull Republic into a shining