Paracelsus Research Paper

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PARACELSUS STARTS A MOVEMENT Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, (1493-1541), known as Paracelsus (the second Celsius!) gave the word bombastic to the lexicon of all modern languages! He was the son of an alchemist and learned all there was to know about alchemy from his father. He then went to Basle University in Switzerland to study, but became dissatisfied with their complete reliance on authority. He then set up to wonder throughout Europe, acquiring knowledge of nature first hand. Thus began one of the most celebrated and controversial careers in history. 13 The best illustration of his intention to break away completely from traditional, accepted theories is found in his own …show more content…

It seems imperative to bring medicine back to its original laudable state, and aside from striving to cleanse it from the dregs left by the barbarians, to purify it of the most serious errors; not according to the rules of the ancients, but solely according to those which we have found proven by the nature of things through practice and experience….It is not title and eloquence, nor the knowledge of languages nor the reading of many books that are the requirements of a physician. 21 & 22 His reference in the quotation above to languages is interesting. Paracelsus knew many languages, but wrote in the German and not in Latin as was the custom, possibly to show that he was breaking away from the old texts. And because of his haughty attitude and rebellious nature, his middle name Bombastus became the word bombastic in all languages. Here is another quote from his Selected Writings, I am Theophrastus, and greater than those to whom you liken me; I am Theophrastus, and in addition I am monarcha medicorum and I can prove to you what you cannot prove... You can defend your kingdom with belly-crawling and flattery. How long do you think this will last?...Let me tell you this: every little hair on my neck knows more than you and all your scribes, and my shoe buckles are more learned than your Galen and Avicenna, and my beard has more experience than all your high colleges.