Australian Curriculum Essay

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Within the Australian Curriculum, The Arts consists of 5 different subjects; Drama, Dance, Music, Media Arts, and Visual Arts. These topics of study have several core ideas that educators aim for students to achieve throughout their schooling. The core ideas and beliefs are represented under 4 main strands of learning, these include; exploring and responding, developing practices and skills, creating and making, presenting and performing (ACARA1, 2023).

The Australian Curriculum provides details on how the 4 strands of learning can be achieved by educators. In terms of exploring and responding, students look into pieces from different cultures, places and communities to discuss the idea of why and how people create different art forms (ACARA1, …show more content…

It is vital to look at the resources through the lens of the First Nations people, and whether these resources are culturally sensitive and inclusive to their experiences. Narragunnawali provides a list of questions to consider in relation to Indigenous culture, however, these considerations can also be used in a non-Indigenous context. One of the key factors to consider is why the specific resource is chosen, who developed it and how it will enrich student’s education (Narragunnawali, 2023). The language and the context of the resource must be appropriate and not include outdated attitudes and terminology, especially in regards to First Nations people and other diverse cultures (Narragunnawali, …show more content…

When searching dance resources, The Australian Ballet Company provides workshops such as; STEAMDANCE Primary, with the Australian Curriculum outcomes providing the foundation of their content (The Australian Ballet, 2023). The company also performs a production of Romeo and Juliet and The Story of Pomi and Gobba (The Australian Ballet, 2023), which connects to the achievement standard related to how arts are utilised to portray ideas throughout different times, cultures and places. In the STEAMDANCE Primary workshop, students use choreography and movement to analyse different STEAM concepts (The Australian Ballet, 2023). Students are then able to develop their skills in presenting and performing works for different audiences. The workshop also is an example of using an arts resource in a separate subject, as it develops student’s knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering, arts and