Babe Ruth And Harry Houdini Shaped The 1920s

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Walt Disney once said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” (Walt Disney Quotes) During the 1920s, American popular culture changed through famous people providing different entertainment and showing a different side of having fun, which allowed Americans to forget their struggles. Babe Ruth was an example of this. He helped the business of baseball and gave fans the feeling of excitement and joy. Walt Disney also devoted a lot of the entertainment, drawing cartoons which made people forget their struggles. Lastly, Harry Houdini provided suspense and a different way of making people stare in awe. His acts made Americans second guess how the body works. Because of the different entertainment, Babe Ruth, Walt Disney, and Harry Houdini shaped the 1920s.
Babe Ruth was born on February 6, 1895. Though he had lots of hardships and drama in his early life, Babe Ruth would go on to shape the 1920s, transform America, baseball, and finances for clubs. In the late 1910s, Babe Ruth …show more content…

People have said, no one before or since had so completely defined the art of escape as him (“Harry Houdini”). In 1893 he married fellow performer Wilhelmina Beatrice Rahner and would be his lifelong stage partner (Harry Houdini Biography). Harry Houdini was always upping up his act from handcuffs and straitjackets to locked, water-filled tanks, and nailed packing crates. He was only able to escape because of his strength and his ability to pick locks (Harry Houdini Biography). During a period of time, escaping from different items became unpopular so he took on comedy (Harry Houdini biography). His ability to escape baffled people then and still now. This type of entertainment was unique and that’s what gave him his popularity. American were amazed at his work and couldn't stop watching him. The ability to entertain in a different way defined him and the

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