Backwoods Mail Order Company Training Plan

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The training plan for Backwoods Mail Order Company will be an integrated approach using multiple training methods. Each employee will be required to attend a total of 12 hours of training with each training session building on previous training session. The training will be delivered insixsessions, with the trainees having the ability to choose their training schedule. Initially the training will be offered only to day shift personnel. At a later date (planned for four monthslater) the night shift will attend training. Each training session will be four hours long. The scheduling was selected based on integrating employee input and feedback from discussions in order to allow employees to train during their normal work hours. Only half …show more content…

After the objectives are communicated there will be an assessment of the trainability of all day shift employees. The assessment will be by a performance test and will address the areas of ability and motivation to learn. Theskills and knowledge necessary to master the requirements of the job will be evaluated with this performance test. Motivation and desire to learn is vitally important to the training environment therefore the training plan will also include a questionnaire to measure employee motivational factors such astheir perception of their current involvement in their own jobs, as well as measurement of employees’ attitudes and expectations regarding training. In order to aid in trainee motivation and gain support of the training program, the customer orders department employees will be asked for their opinion about the content of the training and training times. At the outset, benefits of the training program will be discussed, including input from the trainer in an open dialogue format to encourageparticipation.Benefits such as personal confidence, reliability, efficiency, pride in work, accuracy of records, strong customer commitment, and the personal growth and promotion possibilities offered for meeting and exceeding the training objectives will be discussed.To best cover the 10 training objectives, the training plan will …show more content…

Interactive lecture/groupdiscussion supplemented with audio visual aids will re-emphasize all covered topics to allow for better retention and rehearsal of learning objectives. In addition the two training objectives that address follow-up customer service to clarify difficult handwriting and resolve any potential problems or question about products will be resolved using these methods. It will be valuable to show (on screen) examples to the group of questionable mail-order forms that may need further clarification and to engage the group on what they deem to be the most appropriate action to take for resolution while giving them advice on best practices for the

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