Bailey V. Jackson Case: The Bailey V. Patterson Case

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The Civil Rights Movement happened because the African American citizens

finally stood and fought for their rights. The Civil Rights Movement took place in the

1960s when many cases were brought up to the Supreme Court that led to desegregating a

place or even an action. One of the most important cases was the Bailey v. Patterson

case. The case’s hearing, Bailey v. Patterson case, took place on February 26th, 1962

which gave the Civil Rights Movement a huge boost. (

Bailey v. Patterson case was between Samuel Bailey and a Mississippi general attorney.

The case took place in the United States District Court for the Southern District of

Mississippi. Bailey and his friends fought …show more content…

The Civil Rights Movement [1960s] made America into a better country today. The

Bailey v. Patterson case contributes to the Civil Rights Movement and when the Civil

Rights Movement contributes to America being a better country today. We conclude

from the previous sentence that the case, Bailey v. Patterson, contributes to the good

America we have today. The Bailey v. Patterson case has many reasons America is the

America that exists today. One of the main reasons is that this case led to the

desegregation of interstate and intrastate transportation that might have seemed absurd

at the time, but not in the open minded American society we live in. In fact if a place

would ever be racially segregated today, it would seem very unusual and out of place.

Not only did some people in America become open minded, but also united. No one

should ever judge or care if your black, white, brown, or yellow as long as your human

you are like any other person. Fortunately, most Americans understand that as long as

you contain the characteristic of humanity then your officially human. America has

become partially unified and its people also became partially open