Political Organization Of Bands Essay

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Political Organization of Bands By Dimitrios Pastirmatzis A "Band" is an early form of societal organization developed by humans in the dawn of our civilization. It is a simple, yet effective way for humans to survive and make a living without being isolated. Bands generally consist of people of a few families that gather together. The number of families is not big, generally being about two or three. In a band leadership is something that is not permament or even something that someone is elected for. The leader of a band is the one that displays the skills and can manage to persuade the band. Any attempts for an upstart to rule over the band and gain sovereignty will be actively suppressed by the rest of the group and will be subject to penalties such as "Meat Shaming" of the Kung band or "Song Duels" by the Eskimos. In the matter of material sustenance, a band is relying upon the environment that is inhabits. Other factors that affect food amount are the season and the time of the year. If the season is right, nature will provide food with abundance. If it is the season of draughts, then the band may be in a difficult position. Bands do not rely solely on hunting as a means of food source. But when the band is hunting the kill belongs to the one that killed …show more content…

Unless the band has expressed interest in contact with the outside world, contact with these bands should be avoided for it can bring ruin to the way of life of these people, in the form of diseases that we have the antibodies for but they do not or in the form of corrosion of their way of life by the way that we live. So in conclusion, contact with these bands should be generally avoided in fear of destroying the fragile way of life these people have maintained for so