Banning The Book 'Broken Things' By Lauren Oliver

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Have you ever wanted to read a book that someone told you not to, which made you want to read it more, but you couldn’t find it in the library? The book “Broken Things” is about a girl that goes missing and is found dead. Her friends are the supposed killers but they go looking for the real killer. Although “Broken Things” by Lauren Oliver contains inappropriate language, it should not be banned because it teaches children to tell the truth and to not believe everything you hear from other people. Children should not hide the truth from adults, hiding the truth can cause trouble in yours and other people's lives. On page 85, Mia states, “Someone else knew about Lovelorn. Someone else was writing about it. And I want to know who.” If Summer had told her friends that someone was helping her write their book and who was helping her, everyone would have known who killed her and the truth would have been free. This shows that when you lie to someone it could hide a key solution to a problem. When the truth is being told, it only helps you with your troubles. Children are able to see that in this book, it is possible for them to tell the truth in the end, in order to help someone else or …show more content…

The author states, on page 5, “That's the story the way everyone tells it, at least, a story repeated so many times, accepted by so many people, it has become fact.” Many people believed the story they had heard from other people, the story caught on and multiple people continued to tell it. The story was known as the truth and although the truth was not true, only few people knew it. The false story that was passed around is a rumor, but if you listened to every rumor it might get you in trouble. After reading the book, children will be able to see that they should not believe rumors without evidence, because without evidence there is no way of knowing whether or not it is

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