Bartolomeu Dias Analysis

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A historical pattern or sequence of events is like saying that history will basically repeat itself in some sort of way. Many of these explorers that we have talked about in class are trying to do three things, explore,conquer and settle. So first you could take Hernan Cortes, he traveled the seas in hopes of finding new land. His objectives were bring pride to his king and country, get gold and other valuables and convert everyone to christianity. Once Hernan had found land in what we call now mexico he went on an exploration of the land to figure out what was there. Once he was there he had found where the Aztecs main city was. The Aztecs had all of the things that Hernan was hoping for. So here comes the next thing in line, Hernan was going to try to conquer the Aztecs with his army and succeeded. His next goal was to try to create a settlement for Spain. His new idea was to call it New Spain. That in one example of an historical pattern. …show more content…

Bartolomeu Dias asked the King and Queen of Portugal for money to go around the tip of Africa and his wish was granted. Bartolomeu Dias had failed to reach the tip of Africa and the King and Queen were very disappointed with Bartolomeu Dias. Here comes where the historical pattern or sequence of events will come in. Vasco De Gama about 10 years later asked the King and Queen of Portugal and they said that they had already invested too much money into this project with Bartolomeu Dias. Vasco De Gama then went to the King and Queen of Spain and asked for permission, and he was able to go. This would be the best decision Spain could ever make! Vasco De Gama went around the tip of Africa and had mapped a route to Asia. That is the last example I have of a Historical Pattern or Sequence of events. To summarize it up I think Historical Pattern or Sequence of events is basically saying that history will eventually repeat