
Being Transgender Argumentative Essay

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In today’s society people are beginning to identify themselves as transgender. Being transgender is a life changing process that provides more questions than answers. Most often society, as a whole, frowns upon those who do identify as transgender. Is it right that society deems transgender people as being perverted individuals? Should society work together to accept these individuals or continue discriminating against these individuals? If you went up to a transgender person and asked them what it was like to be transgender the answer you will get would be similar across the board. Being transgender means that you were “born in the wrong body”. “Nonheterosexual adolescents are vulnerable to health risks including addiction, bullying, and familial abuse.” (Himmelstein and Brückner, 2011). Not only will these individuals be subjected to torment in their school, work and personal lives they are also more susceptible to addiction and abuse within their families. If someone identifies as transgender then they must prepare themselves for what will come later down the road, or they could avoid all of this by not transitioning. …show more content…

Transgender people will suffer the rest of their lives because they claim they are “born in the wrong body” and want to make their physical body match their internal image. “Rates of depression are higher in transgender women than in the general population, warranting an understanding of the variables related to depression in this group.” (Hoffman, 2014) Simply put, if someone identifies as transgender then they are in for a world of suffering. The depression they feel will place these individuals in dark places where they question if what they are doing is right. If these individuals did not transition they could have avoided all the depression and hate projected upon

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