
Biological Explanations Of Being Transgender

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Do people believe that a mental disorder is a cause of whether or not someone is transgender or is there a biological explanation? Do people believe that the influence of social interaction with that sex/gender plays a role in being transgender? This issue has been a popular one in the last few years. But has always been an issue that has been kept quiet because of its controversial effect. It has been heard of over the course of history of homosexuality even thou most people have avoided the topic and homosexuals were not open with their sexuality; the issue was still there and over time many people came to accept them and homosexuals are now open. Today they are allowed by law to get married. With homosexuality people tend to understand …show more content…

According to the Journal of Psychosomatic Research the researchers identified the anatomic brain difference between non transsexuals and transsexuals and that genetics maybe a slight effect to being transgender. It has been found that the brains white matter actually clashes with the person’s genetic sex. There was a study where they had several male and females do MRI and in the x-rays it showed that the people who had white matter were female to male’s transgender and males also had that white matter So the brains of a female to male transgender and male have the same substance in the brain. Which proves that they do have the similar parts in the brain. . They tried the study on an infant but could not get clear result. Though there is research being done there is no solid biological evidence that transgender is linked to a biological explanations. There are some people and researchers that believe that being transgender is a mental disorder because they say transgender are not aware of reality. And the reality is that they have male or female parts and a certain body built and for some unknown psychological reason they feel that it is incorrect. And in their minds they believe that they are the opposite gender. So how can one not think that they have psychological issues when the …show more content…

Environment doesn’t necessarily mean if a boy plays with dolls he will be transgender or if a girl plays with cars she will be one. People believe that environmental influences is a main factor to sexuality. Many researches have been done and being done. For example, a study showed that if you lived in a rural city and have multiple kids your children are most likely to have no sexuality issue. Another study showed if you are raised in a divorced parental home you are unlikely to be heterosexual especially with female children. The way a parent address sex is important like whether they openly discuss it or just address it as a negative topic and doesn’t go in depth about it. The kid picks up on the negativity and thinks that there is something wrong with that topic’ that could affect them later on in live when they choose their own sexuality. Also when a child is raised with parents who don’t discuss sex then they tend to go look for answers elsewhere. For example, their peers, the internet, television and the media. When children actually go looking for answers in the media they tend to go in a way that the media wants them to go to. They get brainwash with society tells them to do instead of thinking for themselves. That is why it is important for parents at an early age to talk to their children and answer their questions

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