Benito Mussolini Research Paper

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Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian politician, head of government and dictator (1922-1943), founder of the fascism to Italy to Took His disastrous intervention in the World War II next to III the Reich. It was born in Dovia I Gave to Predappio (province of Forli) the 29 of 1883 July, and was son of a blacksmith WHO tied to him from His Youth to the socialism. Militant of Italian Socialist Party as of 1900, a year later obtained the title of teacher of school, but in 1902 she fled to Switzerland to avoid military serve. It returned to ITS country in 1904 and it was dedicated to education During five years, period after Which one Settled in Trento to work like journalist, arriving to direct a weekly magazine L'Avvenire of the Lavoratore. …show more content…

This movement of nationalistic, ant liberal and antisocialist character Obtained to the support of ample layers of the society defending Certain When working exigencies, like the labor day of eight hours. It Took ITS name from fasces, a symbol of the authority in old Rome. Its activity extended by the countryside, Where the members of the paramilitary Voluntary Military services for the National Security, Known more like black shirts, Obtained the endorsement of the Landowners They Attacked while the leagues of farmers and the socialist associations. In a show of opportunism, the republican STI will fascism left Also to gain the confidence not only of the great agrarian and industrial proprietors but of the Army and the own monarchy. The 7 of November of 1921 founded the Fascist National Party, supposed That way the substitution of some of the social program like essential element of Its political ideology to put in center of this one the radical opposition to the socialism and the parliamentary system. After ITS electoral failure of 1919, Mussolini Appeared candidate to the parliamentary elections of 1921 and was Chosen …show more content…

Within the new corporative State, the industrialists and the workers organized in groups themselves controlled by the party That Represented the different Sectors from the economy. The capitalist system and the social services stayed Were Increased, but the independent unions and the right to strike were abolished. One of the lasting legacies of the fascism was the creation of a system of holdings industrialists Financed by the State. On the other hand, the Lateran Pacts, signed with the papacy in February 1929, ended the conflict that had faced the Church and the Kingdom of Italy from 1870 and involved the creation of a new state, the Vatican

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