How Did Mussolini Contribute To The Rise Of Futism

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Futurism was an art movement as well as a social movement. In 1909, a poet named Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published his Futurist Manifesto, where he voiced his anger at how Italy had not moved into the modern age. In 1918, Marinetti developed the Futurist party. This movement was about being avant-garde, it embraced ideas of the future and felt passionate about using war and violence in order to create this change. Futurism was against any traditional beliefs from the past. It favored concepts that were futuristic such as speed, technology, youth, violence and war. It was spread across many different mediums, such as painting, sculpture, graphic design, literature and more. At this time, the world was going through industrialisation and many advancements in technology. Marinetti spread the progressive movement throughout Europe. By 1919, Marinetti had inspired many and one prominent figure that was moved by their philosophies was Mussolini. …show more content…

Their main objective was to gain superiority by purifying the Italian race. The movement had different values to Futurists. Its aim was not dedicated to art. Fascism was a nationalistic movement that had the vision of restoring Italy to its former if not greater glory. After Italy’s defeat in World War I, Benito Mussolini created the National Fascist Party in 1919 in order to do just this. At this time, Futurism was merged in with the Fascist party as their two leaders had become allies and both movements were striving for public unity. To succeed in this, the party had no issue using violence and propaganda to demonstrate that they would show no mercy to those who opposed them. In 1922, Mussolini became the dictator of Italy, this helped to abolish any opposition that the party might