Best Buy: A Short Story

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"It was a Saturday afternoon. Best Buy was buzzing with the sound of over priced electronics and corporate capitalism. Ka-Ching. Ka-Ching. The stilted soundtrack of our setting rang out. Next customer. Thank you, have a good day. You too. Next customer. Cash or debit? Thank you, have a good day. Outside, our hero stands alone. She wipes sweat from her brow, her baggy t-shirt swaying softly in the wind. From a backpack at her feet she pulls out a pair of pants. The pants. Those weird creepy diaper-saggy-baby-had-an-accident pants. The perfect pouch. She slides them on, one leg at a time. "Perfect," she says aloud to herself. It is almost time. She picks her backpack up. A Pikachu keychain rocks, emitting cheap metallic sounds. Ka-Ching. The girl takes a deep breath and walks towards the automatic doors. "Hello, Miss," the blue fiend in front kindly greets her. Ignoring him, she continues further into the store. Drats! Only mere steps into the store another wave of the sea of blue workers crashes on her. "Good afternoon, miss! May I help you today?" She vigorously shakes her head, knowing this is the only way to be rid of him. Her mission will not be thwarted. Ah-ha! Finally, she sees her prize. Blu-Ray discs. Lots of them. Alphabetized, A-Z. She strolls through the A's, her eyes gliding past title after title. "No," she …show more content…

From The Breakfast Club to Die Hard, her eyes filter past. Yes! Finally! She stops. In front of her, she sees it. The big letter "H"! Quickly searching down either end of the isle she knows she is alone. With speed she dives right in, grabbing "H" titles left and right! Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Yes! She drives the hard case deep into her pouch pants, her eyes back to assessing another title. Her? No! She throws the disc behind her, a loud groan escaping her lips. Not that drivel! Disc after disc escapes into her pants. It is almost full, her baggy shirty barely hiding the bulge any

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