Best Extracurricular May Be An After School Job By Pamela Paul

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Teens at the age of 14 and above should be able to maintain a job. Getting a job as a teen can be beneficial in many ways for life like at school and other extracurriculars like a sport or club. In fact, having a job as a teen can help to gain a sense of independence and personal responsibility, as well as working a teens mind leading to smarter decisions. Teen jobs are beneficial because they help people develop a sense of independence and personal responsibility/progress. One author, Pamela Paul, an American journalist, helps to prove this idea in her article, “Best Extracurricular May be an After School Job.” In her article, she mainly describes what teens can learn from working. She helps explain this when she states, “You learn how the world works, for better and for worse, and how you might like to change that world.” (P11 Paul) This means that teens are able to develop skills that can help them in other areas of life which helps them to understand the world around them and gain more independence as a person. …show more content…

She helps describe this when she explains, “You learn to put up with the tedium or to make rote work more interesting.” (P14 Paul) This is describing that teens can rely on their own minds rather than their peers to make things more interesting, the teen themselves is able to figure out how to depend on themselves to make decisions and learn what they can do in the situation so it's maybe not as boring. Another piece of information, an infographic by vmware, “Starting Off On the Right Foot In Your New Job” also helps describe this claim that having a job as a teen is