Bioethics: Ethical Issues In Nursing Practices

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Introduction of Contextual Project The contextual project work is the real life projects. It is a practical activity whereby a student applies the concept to the current context of her personal life, social life how she applies this concept in her current job. The practice of contextual project makes a student learning by connecting to the real world. This contextual project work learning is the activities in the real life to which the students can relate to the incorporating not only content, what of learning but the reason why that learning is important. Contextual learning engages students in meaningful, interactive and collaborative activities that support them in becoming self-regulated learners. The overall purpose of writing contextual …show more content…

Bioethics is a word and also is a concept. The concept of bioethics comes from human inheritance thousands of years ago. It is the perception of affection, contentment, benefits and risks of choices and decisions. This inheritance can be seen in all civilization, religions, and in antique writings from around the world. The derivation of bioethics is known as the associations between human beings by self physical response, within their society, by natural life circumstances and strong relation with God. In a broad sense I call bioethics the love of life. Bioethics is the study of ethical issues and decision making associated with the human beings. It is the practice of ethical considerations in health care situations related to patient, family and health care professionals (Janie, et al, 2008). 1.1: Personal …show more content…

Teleology is the theory of ethics that obtain from responsibility or moral commitment from what is good or desirable. This is the opposed term deontology. Teleology is the ethical theory stating the value of a situation is determined by its consequences. This theory recognized the outcome of an action or the criteria of an action whether the action is good or bad. The theory Teleology gives important consequences that known as result oriented or outcome oriented ethics. Moreover it is an ethical theory which holds that the ends or finally the act of a determined action whether good or bad act. One thing that is important in teleology is known the impacts on people and their values for examining that performing action is good or not pleasurable for someone (David