Biological Father Research Paper

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When I was young, I remember whenever someone asked me who I wanted to marry, I would always say, “I’m gonna marry, Daddy!” Even from that young age, in my little perspective of life, my dad saved the day. He worked diligently to provide for our family, and always came home with a huge smile on his face. In my thought process then, and now, that is what a father should represent, a man of great character. The respectable authority of a father balances a home, teaches children to admire other adults, and raises children in the security of love. Merriam-Webster has the definition of patriarchy as, “A system of society in government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.” Even though so many families fall apart because the father leaves, our society still realizes that every family needs an authoritative male role. God’s great love for us fulfills that longing inside, no matter if we have a physical representation of that individual love or not.

If a father has not invested into the lives of his children, the effect can result in …show more content…

The biological father’s investment in a child’s life shapes a part of their life story. Respect for a father can lead to the respect that the child will have for other adults. Protection and safety of a father’s love, also, provides a place of security for the child. When a father does not honor his position in his child’s life, it can be detrimental to the child’s future. Insecurities surface, disrespect is shown toward others in authority, and/or walls build up that only the Holy Spirit can penetrate. As I have seen many people’s past insecurities and pain restored through Jesus Christ, I pray that many people will accept His ardent love, lay their past at His feet, and “see what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are” (1 John 3:1, The Holy

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