Black Students Vs Black Teachers Essay

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This dynamic relationship between Black teachers and Black students occurs because of a lot of different reasons. The first of all, Black teachers are walking on a tightrope between socializing Black students to the mainstream culture and affirming their Black culture. This is a contradictory notion because we are teaching these students that part of themselves, and part of their culture needs to be adjusted. This has a detrimental effect on how the students perceive Blackness as a whole and their own Blackness. This is actually prepping them to living a subordinate position in society (Bourdieu). Whiteness was created to assert power, so if we are conforming to whiteness, being a person of color, are we preparing to always live in subordinate roles as Black individuals in a white society, or is this supposes to help us navigate this racist …show more content…

According to MacLeod, these teachers become “agents of repression” where they sake on this role because they understand that “conformity to mainstream cultural norms is required of minority or low income students for success in school and in the wider society.” Teachers are placed in this role of teaching, but for bBack students this also means protecting their students from the powers at bay that they do not necessary have control over.
This problem is very multifaceted and complex, meaning that solutions need to be very intentional. The ultimate solution would be dismantalling white supremacy and institutional racism because then the repercussions for the deviant behaviors would not be an issue. Society should stop criminalizing the Black body and Black culture. By decriminalizing these behaviors, teachers could focus on restorative justice and academic success, instead of policing these behaviors. In terms of solid