Board Reflective Essay

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Board assignment, making this assignment helped me to understand how and why it should be like that. As a future teacher, it is crucial for us to know the rational concepts behind every and each topic that we learn, regarding how and why dividing the blackboard in an H shape.
The same goes for doing the worksheet assignment. This assignment helped me to think more efficiently about how a worksheet should be, considering the student`s cognitive abilities which we must improve and develop by using the worksheets. How to embed questions in such a way that could help the student to build gradually understanding of the topics that he learned.
It is a hard assignment for us as novice teachers whose role is to check the student`s understanding by …show more content…

Having all the material recorded in my PC is better than sitting in a face to face and having no time to listen and write notes.
I believe that you introduced the topics one after another according to what is more important to know.
In the classroom, we weren't able to focus and listen to every detail that you explained. Also, I think that working on technological tools we must use computers and those that the college have won't be in time to work on.
First of all, I can access the material whenever I want to check if what I am doing is wrong or right.
Using technology to teach a topic about technological tools is certainly fosters and elaborates the student`s ability to use and believe in the power of using technological tools.
As a future teacher, we have to know how these tools are going to help us and how could we fosters the learning process which is the 21st-century teaching methods.
After all, we are searching for more methods and ways to make the learning process more efficient for students, not to mention that teachers have the right to enjoy their