Book Review: The Silver Answer By Constance Buel Burnett

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Throughout the book The Silver Answer , Constance Buel Burnett tells about the exciting life of the one of the greatest poets of the 1800s, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This novel tells about Elizabeth Barrett Browning's childhood and her secret relationship and marriage with another great poet, Robert Browning. Throughout this novel, I learned many interesting things about myself and how I can apply the lessons that I have learned to my life. I learned that Elizabeth Barrett Browning and I have gone through many similar experiences throughout our life, despite being from two different periods of time. This novel has changed the way that I think. I need to be a more ambitious person. I need to be more kind to others. This book has helped …show more content…

It made me realize how much things have changed in less than three hundred years. It made me realize how people have lived in the past. It showed and explained how women were viewed back then. In the 1800s, women had no rights and they were not allowed to do many things. They could not date like the present women do now. Back then, the women were courted and there were suitors for the women to marry. They did not choose their suitors, the men would have to ask the father for the daughters hand in marriage and explain how much dowry would be paid. The women did not have many positions in which they could hold. They were not allowed to hold powerful positions. They were especially not allowed to hold a place in government or allowed to …show more content…

I am very thankful to live in a country that is so accepting and open minded to social diversity. I am thankful to live in a country where women can hold political power and are viewed as equals. It made me for thankful for what I have. It made me realize how we take technology and medicine for granted. In the 1800s, a person could die from a simple cold. They did not have the best doctors and medication. They could not get in touch with doctors quickly enough. They communicated by means of letters which shows how much communication and technology has advanced. It made me realize that I am blessed with a great life and a great family. I realize that I have not had to deal with such terrible losses. It showed me that society has changed drastically by means of how it views other people, relationships, and women. In the 1800s, society viewed people by their status, their occupation, their reputation, and their wealth. If a woman in society came from a family that had a great amount of wealth but she did not have a clean reputation, she would not be viewed as good in society. This book has changed the ways that I think by making me more thankful and grateful for the way that I live. I am blessed to have a warm bed and a nice house. I am thankful to have such hardworking parents who provide me not only the basic needs but they also give me things that are wants. It made me more