Border Security Pros And Cons

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much stronger ones could be used, and some heftier consequences be put in place
Although it seems simple the problem, there’s always more to it. Another concern arises when the person crossing the border into the US isn’t able to go to jail. A large group of children coming from both sides of the US attempt to hop the border to reconnect with family members who have already become citizens or still hiding as aliens. The children tend to travel long distances and just show up at the gates because they know that they will give them the paper work they need to cross if they’re country is too far away than home land security prohibits them from being instantly deported. Instead, the children are turned over to Human Services and the Department of Health’s supervision. Many are looking for an escape from worsening economic condition. President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister …show more content…

Both leaders said they would maintain their nation’s sovereignty by working out their differences to enhance security and