
Boxer Is The Most Responsible For The Fall Of Animal Farm

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Adam Bogle English Honors 10 F Block. The novel Animal Farm, is a cautionary tale about the threats and problems of communism. Oppressed animals fight back against their human owners and create a farm under their own rules. What started in hope of prosperity and equality for all animals quickly breaks down and the animals find themselves facing an even harsher oppression than before. Many of the animals contribute to this societal collapse, but perhaps the animal most responsible is the pig, Squealer. Squealer is able to manipulate and twist words to the animals that allow them to accept these disparities and inequalities. It is because of Squelar that there is no questioning of this biased and unfair agenda. Because Squelar is able to manipulate …show more content…

If Snowball is able to change the past he can turn and twist it into any perception he wants too, his use of power is to put Napoleon as the Savior of the day and when Napoleon is the “leader” it means pain and hardship for the animals to have to suffer through. Boxer is an animal one could argue suffered the most. One might also argue that Boxer is the true cause of the fall of Animal Farm, but this statement is incorrect. It is very true the Boxer inspired the other Animals through his loyalty to Napoleon, causing them to fall in line without question. “Boxer was the admiration of everybody,”(Orwell, Pg.29) Everyone may have looked up to but Boxer looked up to Napoleon, and it was Squealer that was the spokesperson for Napoleon. When Boxer had reservations about what was going on at the farm, Squealer simply had to mention that Napoleon was the one to say or cause this. “If Comrade Napoleon says it then it must be true,” Orwell, Pg. 83) This was Boxer’s response when Squealer quieted his reservations about Snowball by mentioning that it had been Napoleon that had said it to be true, If Squealer is able to control all of the animals he is able to control all of the animals and it is

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