
Boy In The Striped Pajamas Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Jewish child at the time of the Holocaust? Today in some places children are still treated like this. In the book Boy in the Striped Pajamas a Jewish child named Shmuel was held in Auschwitz and treated badly. During the Holocaust not only adults, but children were affected, some children found ways to survive, and children had hope.

During the Holocaust the German regime not only punished and persecuted grown Jewish men and women but also Jewish children. Children were treated very harshly and killed frequently. The Nazis weren’t sympathetic they did terrible things to the Jewish children. The Jewish weren’t the only race they persecuted, they also persecuted Romani (Gypsy), disabled German children, and Polish children going against the Soviet Union. The Nazis did things like dragging the children away from their families, beating them, torturing them, experimenting on them, putting them to work, and killing them. The children got …show more content…

Many children went into hiding. Many children hid in the ghettos. Ghettos are a slum part of a city occupied a majority of different people. Many children got food and medicines in the ghettos to keep them and their families alive. The Jewish children traded some of their smuggled possessions for the food and medicines. Some Jewish children were even hid in people’s homes. Many families were even arrested and sometimes killed.Jewish children were lucky enough to escape from these concentration camps. In the article Children during the Holocaust it says that the Jewish children were put on a train without their parents and sent to safety in Great Britain this transportation was called Kindertransport. In the book Boy in the Striped Pajamas Shmuel survived by getting food from Bruno his friend on the other side of the fence. This is how Jewish children survived during the

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