Breast Feeding Argumentative Essay

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Breast feeding is a kind of touchy issue in this day and age especially with social media trends, our
‘eccentric’ president and the on-going fight for equality between males and females. Is it indecent exposure? Isn’t it illegal? Is it sexist to deny women the right to feed their children? Is it child abuse?
Most people are strongly for or very strongly against. Thought the pattern seems to be that females are all for and men have crude comparison to what they think breast feeding is equivalent to them because women are hyper sexualized. In my honest opinion if they don’t make a huge scene or purposefully try to draw attention to the fact their breasts are out, if it’s not illegal, it doesn’t matter.
The first argument would be the legality …show more content…

At least not under federal law, while certain states have protective rights there is not any laws in any state against it. In fact, in 1996 legislation passed a law that nursing mothers are always legally allowed to breastfeed on federal property. So, no matter where you go, breast feeding in public is never a criminal offense or indecent exposure
Second argument? The crude proposition that men put up of” I don’t pee or masturbate in public so why should be able to breastfeed”. For one, there is a law against you pulling out your thing. For two, you are insinuating that breastfeeding is dirty or even worse, sexual! And three there is nothing shameful in nourishing a child, there is something shameful about pulling your penis out to prove a point. And lastly, is it discriminatory? In a way I believe yes and no. no for a very primitive simpleton reason of
“I can’t show my sexual parts, why can you?” That’s the only argument you have against it is that it could be considered sexual because the female breast is over sexualized. Men don’t have to wear shits in public and its not indecent exposure, but a woman feeds her kid and the public gets really offended.
But yes, its discriminatory because the no shirt thing only applies to