
Breastfeeding Persuasive Essay

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Society has sexualized women’s breasts, making it near impossible for women to breastfeed their children in public without confrontation. In Texas, women have the right to publicly breastfeed, since it is not indecent exposure. Breastfeeding has many benefits, including economic and health benefits. Most of the cons to breastfeeding in public are personal opinions, the most popular being uncomfortableness. I support the normalization of breastfeeding in public.
There are plenty of health reasons to breastfeed. Breast milk has antibodies that help babies fight viruses, lowers the risk of having asthma or allergies, fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and diarrhea. “The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) says that breastfeeding also plays a role in the prevention of SIDS” (WebMD). This may be a regurgitation of information for most, since we hear all the time how great breastfeeding is. Even with this knowledge, breastfeeding in public still “…makes me want to vomit” (User, Debate.org).
Some people feel extremely uncomfortable seeing a woman breastfeed in public. I feel that it should be a normal thing for everyone to see, including children. If a child asks, parents should be honest and upfront about it. It would help children see breasts as more than just the sexual item they are portrayed as on television and social media. …show more content…

Formula saves babies lives, by either becoming a supplement to breastfeeding, or replacing breast milk when the mother is unable to nurse. I do believe, however, that women should at least try to breastfeed. It can be a scary thought at first, and quite frankly difficult to get the hang of. That should not deter you from giving it a shot because, let’s face it, formula is expensive. Honestly, if breastfeeding doesn’t work out for you, then break out those bottles. No baby needs to starve because you’re told breast is best. Feeding your child is more important than anyone’s

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