Persuasive Essay On Breastfeeding In Public

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Breastfeeding in Public

Breastfeeding is one of the many controversial issues in America today. Many women are under public scrutiny when breastfeeding in public. Breastfeeding is encouraged all throughout a woman’s pregnancy. When having children, people should be able to do what they think is best for their child. Breastfeeding has been a part of our history for years. We are mammals. When we go to the zoo and a mother is nursing her child do we get offended? No we think that it’s precious, and beautiful. So why would we be sickened and disgusted when a member of our species does it. I think it is from the lack of knowledge on breastfeeding and the prejudice against it.
Recently I have had a debate or two on whether or not breastfeeding in public is right. Of course since …show more content…

Others say that it is not only disrespectful, but also disgraceful. For those people they must not know that when you are in a store and your baby starts to cry you feed them. Well if your breastfeeding and you have parked far off, the bathroom is on the other side of the store then feeding in public is your only option. So why should a mother who is only doing what’s best for her child have to endure through all that just so a couple of ignorant people won’t get offended? Just the other day I was in a little corner store when a newborn baby started to cry. The mother immediately pulled the baby close to her and started breastfeeding. The storeowner saw this and told the woman that he did not tolerate that in his store. He kicked the woman and her baby out. Upon checking out I told the man that breastfeeding in public is not against that law. He said that his religion would not allow that kind of act. It’s just not fair. People have come up with ridiculous reasons why public breastfeeding should be banned from certain facilities. From it’s a form of public nudity to it promotes gay pride. Some have went as far to say that it’s a form of sexual