Brief Summary Of The Book A Child Called It

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Last year I read a book called A Child Called It. It is about a young boy that is about 6 years old that has been abused really badly by his mom. She made him do really nasty things like make him puke up his own food and make him eat it, and then she also made him eat his little brother poop on a diaper. She also put him in the basement and gave him very little food or water. His dad tried to help him out by sneaking food to him without his mom knowing. The nurse at the school noticed the bruises on him and checks on him every so often, and she kept asking him about the bruises but he never gave in. In the process his dad eventually gave up on trying and got drunk a lot and eventually left them. Then he finally confessed to the nurse, and got taken away from his abusive mom. Do you want to know more about child abuse? Well you will learn what sexual, emotional, and physical abuse is, signs of …show more content…

Some more are bite marks, (sometimes) head injuries, and bald spots. Depression, teen pregnancy, lifelong health problems and relationship problems (“Children Advocacy”), has really bad self-esteem and will get really aggressive is all things that can affect your whole life. Some more are (sometimes) head injuries, burns, and skin discoloration. (“Fourth National”) Burns, bruises, the child acting different, etc are examples of signs if the child is getting abused or not. (“Child Sexual”) They will also have anxiety, depression, and several more things happen to them. (“Fourth National”) If a child is going through emotional abuse then it’s possible that he/she is going through another type of abuse. (“Turner”)That could hurt the child worse, make them want to have suicidal thoughts and sometimes they will actually kill themselves (depending on how old they are). It could cause them to have problems with school. (“Fourth