Bronfenbrenner's Parenting Style And The Ecological System

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In this research paper, I will be discussing the ecological system of Christopher’s life based on the movie. His father’s parenting style towards him will be classified and connected to a clip portion. I will define several terms related to Bronfenbrenner’s biological theory. Also, I will explain how I believe that the parenting style and the ecological system impacts the child’s behaviors such as attachment, self-regulation, prosocial behavior, and competence. “According to Bronfenbrenner’s biological theory, there are four basic structures in which relationships and interactions take place to form patterns that affect human development.” (Berns, 2013, p. 20). The four structures consist of the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, and the macrosystem. The microsystem structure, being the most influential in a child’s life, refers to their immediate family which is the people who they have the closest relationship with, their friends and school or child care center. In the pursuit of happyness, Christopher’s microsystem includes his mother, Linda, his father, Chris, the child care center he attends and his community. The mesosystem consists of the connection between two or more of the …show more content…

Guidance in children is expected by adult wisdom and they are not expected to express their opinions. As children grow, they understand that obligation to their parents is nurtured by dependency and their relationship between each other. “The child also learns related socialized behaviors to avoid shame and save face- reluctance to admit lack of understanding, hesitation to ask a question, take initiative, or do something a new way, and avoidance of confrontation or disagreement.” (Berns, 2013, p. 133). Oppositely, in an individualistic approach, children learn by doing something, through instructions, and their independence. Scene 54:00-56:00 shows an