Bruce Shinier The Internet Is A Surveillance State

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By introduction, upon reading Chapter 2 titled “Examining written arguments” I have end up resulting into considering one of short argumentative essay in helping carrying out article analysis described there as, “The internet is a surveillance state” written by Bruce Shinier who put forward the case of how internet has resulted and will continue ruining our lives especially on privacy matters of individuals in the globe, how efforts towards curbing cases of internet tracking without warrant have failed or will never be implemented and also has shown incidences under which internet tracking is promoted globally. Therefore this essay has called for analysis due to weightage of concern it’s trying to bring to the public that is effects of internet use globally, hence an important essay to analyze globally (Schneier, Bruce 2013).
Basically the essay was written on March 16 2013 and posted on CNN. In other words the essay was published during the periods when level of technology started becoming evidenced in most nations globally. The benefit that lies against writing of this essay on that time was to make individuals beware of effects on use of internet and advanced technological progress which are incontrollable by humans. This is meant to educate or create awareness on use of information technology build on internet engines-how corporations who …show more content…

In other words the author demonstrates how one can monitor and control individuals the way he or she likes with any subjective claim from those affected. Hence the internet has become a state which can manage people without prior interference and with a lot of ease. To show how internet has been evidenced like a state with more powers as compared to other ruling states, he presented a case of examples from difference scenarios namely; (Schneier, Bruce