Bruce Tuckman's Model Of Group Development Theory

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When Bruce Tuckman proposed the model of group development in 1965, the model assumed four stages which include forming-storming-norming-performing stages. However, a fifth model was introduced to encapsulate the already functioning model and this model became known as the adjourning phase (Bauer & Erdogan, 2009, p. 191). This group development stages will now be described below: The first stage in the group development model is the forming stage which is a time when a group officially comes together for the first time. This stage is full of uncertainty as people do not know what role they might be asked to play and what level of behavior is accepted or not accepted. It’s a time when individuals try to get acquainted with each other and discuss issues while observing the general environment. At this stage, members seek absolute guidance because they don’t realize the functionality of personality in the group. Additionally, during this stage, members tend to show the good side of their character i.e. tries to be respectful and avoid attitude that will not portray a basic decorum. Finally, there’s an excitement of involvement in the formation of a group meant to accomplish a purposeful task and members get to discover how the group will function in their various roll (Bauer & Erdogan, 2009, p. 191). Storming stage of the group development model is when group members begin the process of settling down and becoming more of themselves. At this stage, members aren’t afraid to