Group Formation, Tuckman’s Model Megan, MO, and I worked this semester towards addressing the housing needs of young adults who identify as transgender. In the forming stage, we focused heavily on getting to know each other and determining the focus of our assignments. Since we had all chosen to work on a project for The Ali Forney Center (AFC), we had a basic common goal in mind from the beginning: to work on a project that would benefit the youth. Using the guidelines from class, we continued in the forming and storming stages by building build trust, and set expectations for our group by talking about what we had learned from previous group experiences. This included setting and sticking to guidelines, being open with communication and …show more content…
However, a major issue that came up during the process within the storming stage and that was ultimately resolved in the norming stage occurred when I noticed that sections of the paper were copied and pasted from one of our resources but without proper documentation. In an effort to not place unnecessary blame on my group members, I made a note in our draft for whoever wrote the section to review and make the necessary changes to what I assumed as a simple mistake. However, in the final copy the plagiarism was still there. MO and I were able to make proper edits before the due date and instead of creating conflict when Megan did not take responsibility for the error we addressed the issue by creating a communication plan. Our plan was to leave notes and highlight sections of the paper if we copied quotations from other sources but needed to appropriately incorporate into the paper and make …show more content…
Much of this had to do the task we were given in the beginning to discuss our previous group experiences. This made establishing group rules easier and is a practice that I hope to continue in future groups. Confronting the plagiarism issue was also something that I had never had to previously do. When responsibility was not initially taken by Megan, MO and I decided to move forward by creating a plan to ensure that it would not happen again. I believe the skill of focusing less on blame and more on preventing the problem is an aspect of conflict resolution that I would like to taken with me in both my professional and personal