Bullying And Suicide: A Public Health Approach

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What is bullying? Bullying is an aggressive behavior towards another person and is usually repetitive. In relation, it is harassing and criticizing another person, which may lead them to suicide. Bullying has become a main issue in today’s society, especially in youth. The name of this article is Bullying and Suicide: A Public Health Approach written by Marci Feldman Hertz, M.S. of Atlanta, Georgia and James Wright, M.S., L.C.P.C. It was written in 2013. The biggest percentage of young people are involved in bullying annually. Statements have proven that if there are more than thirty students in a classroom setting there will be at least eight or more students who are being bullied.

Bullying has been a leading subject in today’s …show more content…

An example of this includes heterosexual youth.” In my own opinion, I believe they are more targeted than anyone else because they are constantly being picked own for being who they are. We as people are all human and have certain rights to be free and do what we please to a certain extent, but just from being different it allows them to be pointed out and teased by other students for being who they are. This article shows three different forms of bullying. There are youth who bully others, youth who are being bullied, and youth who are both bullying others and are being bullied themselves. Those being bullied always feel disheartened and lonely. They feel as if they do not fit in and socially they do not have many friends to rely on which makes them feel isolated from others. Those who bully others effortlessly makes friends, but they are more likely to be destructive and intellectually do not care about succeeding. Overall bullying only causes one to worry, be in distress, and be miserable there whole life, which explains why they want to commit suicide or suicide …show more content…

Even though bullying happens each and every day I believe it can be avoided and it only causes someone to feel as if they aren’t wanted or needed in this society. It only results in making them want to end it all by committing suicide. I agree with the authors also believing that bullying affects the health of a person and causes them to be physically, mentally, and emotionally damaged. Even though there isn’t a specific strategy to comply with bullying the strategies that the research used such as coping skills, school support, and supportive adults are great skills to use to improve and help mentally with victims who have been a part of