
Bullying In Australia Essay

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Recent statistics state LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) youth are six times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers (LGBTI Health Organsation, 2017) with over 80% of abuse against LGBTI youth occurring in schools (Bully Zero Australia Foundation, 2017). The bullying and violence against LGBTI youth in schools ultimately has a negative effect on the student’s mental health and school performance. This investigation focuses on ‘How supportive are South Australian high schools of LGBTI students?,’ detailing the policies and programs schools undertake regarding the education of students and teachers on LGBTI issues. Three questions will be used to examine the issue ‘Why do schools need to support LGBTI students?,’ which will ultimately illustrate the effects of students being marginalised and harassed in a “safe” environment. The question ‘How do South Australian schools support LGBTI students?,’ examines the policies and measure schools undertake to support LGBTI students. The …show more content…

The internet and social media platforms allow users to share their beliefs and stories with others globally. Thus, Glascott (2015), argues the openness of the internet has allowed people to connect with others in the same situation giving them the opportunity to be open about their sexuality. With more people embracing their sexuality, it has changed the opinions of others close to them. Additionally, the persistent preaching against the LGBTI community, has weakened the church’s influence in society with citizens deeming the churches attitudes as discriminatory (Rasmussen, 2015). As society has become more supportive of the LGBTI community, the government have implemented policies to ensure the safeness of LGBTI

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