Bullying In Nursing Research Essay

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Chapter One The Problem Introduction Chapter one will discuss the problem of the research, the purpose of conducting the study, the research questions that will be asked, and it will also discuss the variables and definitions. The problem will be presented as a statement; and the purpose will be reinforced with current nursing research evidence among nurses who have experienced bullying. Two research questions will be presented along with variables and definitions. Related nursing evidence will be thoroughly explained throughout the chapter. Problem The research explored on the bullying of nurses in the workplace suggests that there is a lack of research on bullying experienced by student nurses. Bullying can be defined as a situation where someone is subjected to social isolation or exclusion, derogatory comments, their work efforts are devalued, they are humiliated, they receive unjust criticism, and they are possibly threatened (Laschinger, Grau, Finegan, & Wilk, 2010). However, due to a lack of research on bullying experienced by student nurses, the problem that will be explored suggests that student nurses may also be subjected to the same type of …show more content…

Research conducted prior to this study indicates that workplace bullying is related to the nurses’ feeling of burnout and it also creates a negative work setting (Laschinger et al., 2010). Further research by Etienne (2014) suggests that bullying in the workplace affects patient outcomes and increases occupational stress. The quantitative data obtained in this study will provide professional nurses with the information necessary to address this issue in the workplace. There is a lack of research related to student nurses being bullied, therefore this descriptive study will allow for a new perspective from student nurses about their experiences in the clinical