CCU Personal Statement

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The reason for being in CCU first of all is because I dropped out of college while studying for Medical Technology and that caused such a shift in the very foundation of my core in life that everything was hard and had to look at and deal life in very different ways. In truth a total wake up call, grow up and face the smallest mistake with the biggest consequence. Even though, through out life I have heard and seen how people may react to others who are not educated or with less money, I never thought or knew it would happen to me. My own family, not my parents, but cousins and relatives, who I have seen and grew together, had such a change of attitude and indifference towards me that it shocked me and it was unbelievable and to the fact …show more content…

As I have an attitude of never give up, which was kind of suprising, because even if I want to give up at times there is something within me that will not let me give up, but as I believe in a living God, before even I had made the decision to quit, I had given my resume to a hospital, which is the current one I am working, to work as a pharmacy technician and right after I quit school, after almost 6 months later, I got into the hospital pharmacy; at the same time I was working as pharmacy technician in my neighbor hood pharmacy. But from the year 2000, I have attempted several times to complete by B.S. degree and it never would happen; something or the other would always be an obstacle for me to never see it through. But finally one day in 2014, I was just talking to myself, or I could say, complaining to God, and told him that I need to complete this degree and that before being accepted there were several conditions that I had to be accepted by school. 1) The school that will accept me had to accept my transfer credits 2) I wanted to get into the program directly and not waste time taking prerequisties 3) I cannot pay out my …show more content…

But as usual, I still messed it up, got probation and suspension, but still back in this school with God's grace and new determination. What I learned from these years of my life is that I can be as Saint as Mary, more helpful like Mother Thresa and be kind like Ghandhi, but none of these qualities can help me pursue my degree, if I do not keep me first, do my priorities first, and help myself first to help others. The second thing I learned is that half of what counts is showing up. Nothing has to be perfect, which is another flaw in my life where I want things to be perfect and in a certain way to do anything and therefore would not show up or attempt to do it and it never ends up to be complete. So with that I learned is to try to do things earlier in time and follow up. It may not be perfect but I definetly will try to do things in time. And the third thing I learned is failures will come, but keep getting up is other half of the victory. I never give up for something that is right and I know it is true. Tonight, I learned that, even though I am at work and this week was the most hectic and stressed filled situations, I could say, I

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