Cal State University Student Application Essay Sample

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Cal State University Northridge (CSUN) is one of the 26 CSU’s in California. The CSU system made me; similarly, I met my husband in the CSU system. Gallantly and green, I was the executive vice president for Cal State Fullerton’s Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) and I met with Sydni Powell, the president of CSUN’s ASI, every month at CSSA meetings. Whisked away by the beauty of Northridge I loved visiting CSUN and made The Matadors a home from home. With that, my undergraduate and graduate training have taught me that good interpersonal skills, the ability to take another person's perspective, and the ability to problem solve are crucial characteristics for a speech language pathologist. More so, my teaching in the special education field has opened my bank of knowledge with disorders, disabilities and individualized education plans, which are all share important roles of being a SLP as well. I have always been quite comfortable with complex group dynamics, conflict management, and collaboration and all the varying degrees of human …show more content…

My dream was to use my passion for singing in a hands-on, service-oriented career. My abilities to hear the tone and pitch could help people advance though speech therapy. So arduously, I began applying for programs. I was wait-listed at a top speech pathology program, and began to feel the tiny baby growing inside me. I can recall sitting at my desk and putting my hand over my stomach being concerned over the new life that was growing. At this point my contingency plan moved up in priority. I decided to take the opportunity provided by Teach for America to help students with special needs. Teach for America was a taxing and demanding program, but it paid for my master’s degree in Special Education at UNLV, placed me in a job right away, and funded my move to Las Vegas to begin my new journey as a mother and