
Calculus In The Ancient Civilizations Of The Mayans

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The concept of math is a very complex notation, it can from a numerous amount of sub topics like algebra one to algebra two from precalculus to calculus. The founders of calculus can go all the way back to the mid 15th century to Sir Isaac Newton and even longer before that in the era before christ. In today's century calculus is the stepping stone to even more complex mathematics seen to help design buildings , build roads, build automobiles, and also travel to space and its frontier. Infinitesimal Calculus was found on the very foundation of basic concept math like the understanding of the concept of zero but no civilization understood the concept till the Mayans generalized the idea.
The ancient civilizations of the Mayans were an infamous people that were advanced in mathematics and also astrology in their civilization. The Mayan people constructed a very unique sophisticated number system to help build their civilization crop their farms and build their pyramids. The …show more content…

In basic terms if a line is continuous on the curve and passes through the same y-value (such as the x-axis) twice and has a unique tangent line at every point of the interval, then somewhere between the endpoints it has a tangent parallel to the x-axis. Michel rolle was a very brilliant man basically giving himself an education, his father was a shopkeeper they were able to manage and have an okay life. Michel Rolle want a better life for himself and would later on move to Paris and would marry and have children of his own. The life of Rolle was very poor his earrings very low sufficient but was able to manage but he made one of the biggest contributions to

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